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Alphageo (India) Ltd - Spearheading India's Search for Oil
Home > Investor Relations > Disclosures under regulation 30(8) of the LODR > 2018-19
2018-19 File Type Size
Certificate under Reg 40(9) 17-04-2019 pdf 287 Kb
Reg 7(3) Certificate -09-04-2019 pdf 260 Kb
Reg 39(3) 28-03-2019(1) pdf 132 Kb
Reg 39(3) 28-03-2019 pdf 167 Kb
Reg 39(3) 21-03-2019 pdf 146 Kb
Reg 39(3) 20-03-2019 pdf 220 Kb
Investor meet outcome 12-03-2019 pdf 122 Kb
Investor meet Intimation-08-03-2019 pdf 195 Kb
Details of Authorised person for determining and reporting Material Events of the Company 08-03-2019 pdf 247 Kb
Reg 39(3) 07-03-2019 pdf 163 Kb
Reg 39(3) 06-03-2019 pdf 249 Kb
Reg 39(3) 15-02-2019 pdf 177 Kb
Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) 29-01-2019(1) pdf 676 Kb
Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) 29-01-2019 pdf 672 Kb
Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) 28-01-2019 pdf 829 Kb
Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) 24-01-2019 pdf 486 Kb
Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) 23-01-2019 pdf 478 Kb
Reg 39(3) -19-01-2019 pdf 141 Kb
Reg 39(3) 03-01-2019 pdf 128 Kb
Reg 7(3) Certificate - 12-10-2018 pdf 284 Kb
Certificate under Reg 40(9) 09-10-2018 pdf 332 Kb
Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) 28-09-2018 pdf 1.15 Mb
Disclosure under Regulation 29(2) 14-09-2018 pdf 723 Kb
Newspaper Publication - 31st Annual General Meeting - 27-08-2018 pdf 405 Kb
Book Closure Intimation For 31st AGM -06-08-2018 pdf 163 Kb
Alphageo Received Notification of Award of Contract from ONGC Ltd, Jorhat - 26.12.2018
Alphageo awarded contracts for conducting airborne geophysical surveys in India
Alphageo Received Notification of Award of Contract from ONGC Ltd, WOB for NSP Project, Mumbai