New Board Line Numbers .... 040-2355 0502/ 2355 0503 /2354 0504 Alphageo (India) Limited
Alpha GEO (India) Limited
Alphageo (India) Ltd - Spearheading India's Search for Oil
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In the business of seismic data acquisition, Alphageo has established itself as a name to be reckoned with, one synonymous with competency and reliability. This achievement has been made possible by employing certain advantages that have provided an edge to the Company over its competitors.

Human Resource

In the niche business of seismic data acquisition followed by interpretation, it is the difference in intellectual capital and data capture precision that represents the competitive difference between companies.

At Alphageo, we have created one of the best teams in the business. Our workforce comprises Indians and expatriate professionals who are experts in geology, geophysics, as well as reservoir and survey technology, representing more than 1,000 person-years of experience in challenging terrain.

The growing pool of skilled resource translated into the following strengths:

  • A rapid graduation from 2D to 3D competence
  • A steady increase in 3D income to more than 70%
  • Professional project management across different regions
  • Timely and cost-effective project delivery
  • Improved logistics management and asset utilisation
Terrain competency
In a field-centric business like ours, it is the ability to manage challenging terrains and timely project delivery that distinguishes the successful from the also-ran.

At Alphageo, we possess more than two decades of rich experience in the understanding of diverse topographies. This enables us to bid for projects that can be completed without loss of time, resources or reputation. Besides, this experience has made it possible for the Company to negotiate ecological and logistical challenges without disturbing or compromising the earth's cover. Over the years, this rich experience has also enabled the Company analyse varied soil structures and estimate reserves accurately. As a result, the Company enjoys the reputation of being able to work successfully across terrains - the more challenging, the better.

More than just the logistical challenge, a number of the Company's projects entailed exacting deadlines. The Company completed the projects within those deadlines through accurate estimation and mobilisation of men and material. Besides, in a number of instances, the Company was required to construct temporary roads to facilitate the transportation of equipment and personnel.

The Company also conducted speculative surveys in joint ventures with the Directorate General of Hydrocarbons in basins - potential hydrocarbon bearing basins with sedimentary columns - where no prior seismic data was available. These projects emerged successful on account of the Company's deep understanding of terrain and logistics complexities.