New Board Line Numbers .... 040-2355 0502/ 2355 0503 /2354 0504 Alphageo (India) Limited
Alpha GEO (India) Limited
Alphageo (India) Ltd - Spearheading India's Search for Oil
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State of the art Technology
In a business where we need to empower our clients with accurate data and interpretation so that they may drill with confidence, speed and economy, it is the technology one uses and the manner in which one applies it that defines sustainable success.

At Alphageo, we have leveraged the power of seismic imaging through knowledge, experience and advanced technology. The Company transmits controlled acoustic energy into the earth and records the reflections from geologic boundaries in the subsurface. The two-way travel time and other attributes of the returning energy are interpreted, processed and a synthetic image of the Earth's subsurface geologic structure is produced.


At Alphageo, we have progressively reinforced the business of our clients through a complement of 2D and 3D services. Over the last three years, we made a proactive investment of Rs. 805 mn in cutting-edge seismic technologies in addition to key assets and processes, marked by the following initiatives:

  • Use of the cutting-edge technology with cable telemetry Scorpion for surveys and sensitive, Low distortion- sensors with a full set of auxiliary equipment
  • Use of full-fledged data processing and analytical software with advanced interactive workstations
  • Use of sophisticated software for 2D seismic data interpretation on workstations
  • Use of cutting-edge quality-control tools

Documented quality procedures, regular training in line with international standards, efficient quality management system and the employment of quality experts with international exposure have translated into enhanced efficiency and effectiveness.